How Quickly Do We Become Unfit?
In my opinion, one of life’s injustices is how quickly all the effort we put into an exercise program begins to unravel during a period of prolonged inactivity. This was front and center in my mind recently, when I experienced a hip injury. I could no longer lift the...
Vitamin D: Do We Really Need More?
Vitamin D, (which is actually a hormone, not a vitamin), is critical for our musculoskeletal health. It helps the body absorb calcium from the small intestine, and therefore is essential for bone formation. However, since 2000, there has been an increase in research...
A Different Way to “Exercise” Your Bones? A Review of the Hype and the Science Behind Vibration Platforms
I get asked a lot of questions about the effectiveness of vibration platforms. Before I describe what these machines are, let’s take a quick visit to Bone Biology 101. Why and How Exercise Strengthens Our Bones Bone adapts to what is demanded of it – this is the...
Go Take a Hike – It’s Good for Your Bones!
There’s a free and no skill required remedy to get more exercise, strengthen your bones, and decrease your stress, and it’s waiting just outside your door – taking a walk. Countless research studies point toward the benefits of walking to improve overall fitness....
Are 10,000 Steps Per Day Really What It Takes To Be Healthy?
The association between walking 10,000 steps/day and good health can be traced back to the 1960s, when a Japanese company designed a pedometer to count specifically to 10,000. A nice round, and perhaps tantalizing, number. Not long after its introduction to the market...
Is It Possible to Get All the Calcium You Need from Diet Alone?
The answer is yes! Below is a beginning guide for you to plan your meals in order to properly feed your bones. Keep in mind that after the age of 50, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is 1200 mg/ day for women. For men, between the ages of 51 and 70, the RDA is...
Yogurt Consumption Linked to Better Bone Health
For decades, milk has been touted as the key ingredient to building stronger bones. Remember the celebrity milk mustaches on the “Got Milk?” ads plastered all over billboards and our television screens? But as I discussed in last month’s newsletter, “What You Must...
What You Must Know About Dairy and Bone Health
Multiple studies over the last several years have demonstrated that milk is indeed, not the magic bullet to prevent osteoporosis or decrease your chance of breaking a bone. In fact, much of the research highlights the detrimental effects that milk may have, at least...