Is There a Better Way to Test Our Bone Strength?
Back in September 2021, I wrote a blog titled “Osteoporosis Testing: There’s A New Kid in Town” , which described a relatively new test for measuring bone density called REMS, which stands for Radiofrequency Echographic Multi Spectrometry. The company that...
Exercise Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated
Let’s take a few moments to consider the basic movements that we do every day. We carry objects, we squat down to retrieve something from a low surface, we pull open a door or pull clothes out of the washer, we push ourselves up from the floor, we reach for something...
3 Hip Saving Exercises for Osteoporosis and Osteopenia
If you’ve been diagnosed with bone loss in your hips, there are specific, evidence-based exercises that are known to help. We do a wide variety of hip strengthening exercises in our Strong Bones class, but for this blog I’ve highlighted three that are simple to do. ...
Have you heard of Osteoboost?
Here are the facts: On January 18, 2024, the FDA provided clearance for a new medical product called Osteoboost™, a wearable vibrating belt intended to reduce bone loss and encourage bone growth in the hips and spine. Inspired by technology hoping to prevent bone...
Snap-Crackle-Pop: Explaining the Symphony of Noisy Joints
Joints form when two bones meet to allow movement. The ends of these bones are covered with a smooth, slippery tissue called hyaline cartilage.* This specialized cartilage along with a lubricant called synovial fluid, allows our joints to move smoothly, like a...
Meet the “itis’s”: Understanding the Difference Between Tendonitis, Bursitis, and Osteoarthritis
Once you’ve “been around the block” a few times, it’s likely that at some point you’ve been diagnosed with tendonitis, bursitis, or osteoarthritis somewhere. This could happen at or near any joint, but the areas that are most commonly affected are the shoulder,...
Are Walking Poles Worth Using?
Walking is an excellent activity not only for our overall health and wellbeing, but also for our bones. In a large study of over 61,000 postmenopausal women, Feskanich and colleagues found that walking 4 hours/week “substantially” reduced the risk of hip fracture...
Spine Sparing Strategies for Everyday Activities
Last month, I explained why avoiding spinal flexion is so important to protect a spine with osteoporosis or low bone mass and I outlined specific ways to improve our postural alignment. But how do we protect our backs while picking something up off the floor? Or...
You Know You Shouldn’t, But Do You Know Why?
If you’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis or low bone mass, you’ve probably heard that you should avoid bending (or rounding) your spine forward. But do you know why? Let’s do a deeper dive into why posture, particularly as related to your bone health, is so...