Strong Bones Public Workshops

Strong Bones presented by Joanne Fagerstrom, PTpresents the latest information in the field of osteoporosis.  Please contact Joanne to schedule an in-person or virtual workshop for your group or organization.

There is a lot of confusing information about what to do if you have been diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis. For example –

You’ve probably heard that exercising is important, but what are the best exercises to do?

Your doctor may prescribe medication to treat your osteoporosis, but you are concerned about possible side effects.

How do you navigate the recent conflicting evidence about the use of calcium and other supplements?

This workshop offers an in-depth look at the critical role posture, balance, body awareness, exercise, and nutrition have on your bone health.

We invite you to join us in these important sessions to get the answers to many of your questions, and become empowered to make good decisions about your bone health.

Flyers From Previous Workshops

Click Image to Enlarge

Bone Health Workshop 2022
2014 Workshop Flyer